Vesna S. Nikolić University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philology Department of Serbian with South-Slavic Languages
The qualifier etn. in the Dictionary of Serbian language1
This paper represents the continuation of the research started within the article Linguocultural qualifiers in the Dictionary of Serbian language, where we have marked as linguo-cultural qualifiers the following dictionary markers: etn. (ethnology, ethnography), prazn. (superstition), mit. (mythology, mythological), ist. (history, historical), rlg. (religion, religious), teol. (theology, theological), crkv. (church), pravosl. (Orthodoxy, orthodox) and kat. (Catholic). On this occasion, we have chosen those lexemes which are marked by the qualifier etn. (ethnology, ethnography) in the Dictionary of Serbian language (2011), i.e. those which refer to Serbian folk life and customs, or to be more precise – names of holidays, customs, rituals, parts of folk clothes, popular games and similar, as most of these lexemes represent the so-called nonequivalent lexis and are usually problematic in terms of translating or learning Serbian as a foreign language, but at the same time enable learning about Serbian culture and tradition.
Keywords: Serbian language, Serbian culture, Serbian tradition, linguoculturology, qualifier etn., non- equivalent lexis
As R. Dragićević points out, linguoculturology, among other things, is “a response to generativism, whose aim was to find that which is common for all the languages in their
1 This paper is also a broader version of presentation given at the conference Lingwokulturologia w glottodyda- ktyce i badaniach językoznawczych, held in Lodz, Poland, from May 25 to May 27 2022. The research is a part of the project Serbian Language and Its Resources: Theory, Description and Applications (178006), financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
deeper structure” (2010: 7). The author then highlights that, after researching the common features of all languages, it is time to analyze the specific features of languages, which is also the main goal of this paper – presenting the lexis specific for Serbian linguocultural community.
The other aim of this paper is to show that not just special, but also descriptive dictio- naries, can serve as an important source for reconstructing the image of a people through a language perspective. Namely, it is a known fact that monolingual dictionaries are commonly used to provide explanations of some lesser-known words, primarily words form dialects, some regional words, archaic or new words, etc., while their importance for researching the culture of one nation is usually overlooked and marginalised. Users of this type of dictionaries are often unaware that through lexemes, their definitions and examples that support them, they can learn about the culture and mentality of their own people. This thesis is supported by R. Dragićević (2018: 145), who says that school students can learn more about their own nation from dictionaries than from history or cultural studies textbooks, which we would like to prove in this paper on specific lexemes.
We began looking into linguo-cultural qualifiers in the paper titled Linguocultural qual- ifiers in the Dictionary of the Serbian language (Николић/Nikolić, 2020). The aim of that paper was to show that the selection of lexemes that are accompanied by linguistic and cultural qualifiers in the dictionaries of the Serbian language provides an abundance of material that can be used to reconstruct parts of the linguistic image of the world of Serbian language speakers. As we have pointed out in the mentioned paper, linguo-cultural qualifiers combined with certain lexemes in dictionaries refer to various aspects of the material and spiritual culture of the Serbian people. On the one hand they enable native speakers of the Serbian language to become familiar with the identity and specificities of their linguo-cultural community; on the other hand, they provide learners of Serbian as a foreign language with an opportunity to get acquainted with the past and culture of the Serbian people. This is especially important at higher levels of foreign language learning. Therefore, the aim of this research is to show how examining linguo-cultural qualifiers in monolingual dictionaries can tell us about the history, beliefs, customs, mentality and traditions of the Serbian people, as well as about other peoples’ linguistic images if applied to other languages and their dictionaries (Николић/Nikolić, 2020: 310).
We use the term linguocultural qualifiers to denote dictionary markers etn. (ethnol-
ogy, ethnography), prazn. (superstition), mit. (mythology, mythological), ist. (history, historical), rlg. (religion, religious), teol. (theology, theological), crkv. (church), pravosl. (Orthodoxy, Orthodox) and kat. (Catholic). These qualifiers are termed the qualifiers of the conceptualencyclopedic domain by N. Ivanović. Depending on the aspect of qual- ification, Ivanović in this group distinguishes between qualifiers of ethnomythological (etn., prazn., mit.), historical (ist.) and religious (rlg., teol., crkv., pravosl., kat.) context. The author argues that these qualifiers are “metalanguage markers for qualifying the terms
based on material culture of the Serbian language speakers”, which is why “the qualifiers of this domain in the dictionary primarily identify (and evaluate) encyclopedic types of information, and then linguistic types of information” (Ивановић/Ivanović, 2014: 219). Al- though we started research and the selection of the corpus relying on the classifications and divisions of N. Ivanović, the qualifiers he assigns to the conceptual-encyclopedic domain we decided to explicitly treat as linguo-cultural qualifiers because it seems to us that this term indicates their importance for getting acquainted with the tradition and culture of the Serbian people, as well as all other nations whose dictionaries include this type of marking. Some of the qualifiers that we have classified in the group of linguо-cultural dictionary markers have already been discussed in Serbian science. For example, Ružica Levuškina from the Institute for the Serbian Language of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts mostly dealt with religious vocabulary. The topic of her doctoral dissertation was Lexis form the Sphere of Orthodox Spirituality in Serbian and its Lexicographic Treatment (2013), but she also published works such as Theonyms in modern Serbian (2013), Descriptive dictionary of lexemes from the sphere of Orthodox spirituality in modern Serbian (2016), Lexemes from the general lexical fund as terms in the sphere of Orthodox spirituality (2017), etc. Ivana Simovljević (2002: 182–198) focused on qualifier prazn. In her paper, the author presented lexemes from the Dictionary of SerboCroatian Literary Language that refer to the folk beliefs of members of the Serbian linguo-cultural community and showed that among these lexemes the majority are related to supernatural beings (e.g., bauk2, vampir, vampirica, vedogonja, veštac, veštica, etc.), but that there are many lexemes that refer to magical acts and persons who engage in magical acts (e.g., gatalac, vrač3 etc.). One of the interesting conclusions of this paper is that the lexis marked with the qualifier prazn. mostly refers to the pagan, pre-Christian way of life of the Serbs and that the folk tradition is based on pagan roots. I. Lazić Konjik (2016; 2017) also focused on the lexis of traditional culture, as well as the need to create a dictionary of Serbian folklore. Finally, in October 2022 at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, Srđan Petrović defended his PhD thesis named Lexis in the sphere of Orthodox spirituality in contempo- rary Russian and Serbian Language: lexicalsemantic, lexicographic and linguocultural aspects and it would be interesting to see other comparative research between Serbian
and other Slavic languages in the sense of culturally marked lexis.
This article is actually an organic continuation of the above mentioned paper Linguocul- tural qualifiers in the Dictionary of Serbian language (Николић/Nikolić, 2020), only this time we will focus solely on the lexemes which were given qualifier etn. (ethnology, ethnography) during the lexicographic process.
2 Bauk «an imaginary evil being conjured to scare children, a scarecrow»; vampir «vampire»; vampirica
«vampiress»; vedogonja «the spirit of a clairvoyant man who leaves the body and appears during storms, does evil to people and fights with other spirits to defend his place»; veštac «male witch»; veštica «witch».
3 Gatalac «fortune teller»; vrač «sorcerer».
According to N. Ivanović (2014: 220), this qualifier indicates the names of festivals, customs, rituals, folk costumes (and their parts), folk dances, etc. Apart from getting acquainted with one’s own or someone else’s culture and tradition, studying this quali- fier is also important because the lexemes marked with it usually represent the so-called exatisms – names for objects and phenomena characteristic of the spiritual and mate- rial culture of a nation (Бикова/Bikova, 2003 and Шкраба/Škraba, 1994 according to Драгићевић/Dragićević, 2015). That is why these lexemes usually belong to the so-called nonequivalent lexis, which means that they often do not have appropriate translation equivalents in other languages because they denote terms and phenomena closely related to one national community.
Due to the limited time allocated for the presentation of the conference paper, the source for the material in this research was the one-volume Dictionary of the Serbian Language (hereinafter: DSL), although significantly more material could be obtained by excerpting lexemes from the six-volume Dictionary of SerboCroatian Literary Language or even more from the thesaurus Dictionary of SerboCroatian literary and folk language of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, which has so far been published in 21 volumes. In the one-volume dictionary, we found 94 lexemes and expressions with which the qualifier etn. was used.
The collected material can be classified according to several criteria.
If we consider the place of the qualifier, we can divide lexemes with the qualifier
etn. into three groups:
In the first group are those words in which the qualifier stands in front of the entire polysemous structure (of all meanings): For example:
бадњак м етн. «1. обредно дрво, одсечено сирово церово, храстово и сл. стабло, облица, клада или грана која се пали уочи Божића, на Бадње вече. 2. (Бадњак) Бадњи дaн» (badnjak4 m etn. «1. ritual wood, oak, Turkey oak and similar trees, log or branch burnt on the night before Christmas, on Christmas Eve. 2. Christmas Eve»);
бадњачар м етн. «онај који сече и дoнocи бадњаке» (badnjačar m etn. «the one who cuts and brings badnjak»);
божићница ж етн. «а. јабука којом се пријатељи дapyjy о Божићу. б. јабука којом младожења дapyje заручницу» (božićinica f etn. «a. an apple which friends ex- change as a gift at Christmas; b. an apple which the groom gives the bride»);
буклијаш, -аша м етн. «онај који иде с буклијом и позива сватове» (buklijaš,
-aša m etn. «the one who goes with the buklija5 and invites guests to a wedding»);
4 Due to the specific nature of this lexical layer, the entries (lexemes) were not translated into English, but provided in their original form, while the dictionary definitions are provided both in Serbian and English language.
5 Buklija «a special flask for brandy which is used in ceremonies of wedding announcements».
Детињци јек. Дјетињци м мн. етн. «дaн (трећа нeдeљa пре Божића) кaдa деца дajy поклоне родитељима» (Detinjci iek. Djetinjci m pl. etn. «the day (third week before Christmas) when children give gifts to their parents»);
загледач, -ача м етн. «онај који идe дa види девојку пре просидбе» (zagledač,
-ača m etn. «the one who goes to see the girl before proposing»);
лазарица ж етн. «а. мн. нapoдни обичај уочи Лазареве суботе (или рано на сам дaн Лазареве суботе) у којем учесници (обично дeвojкe) идy oд куће дo куће певајући oдгoвapaјуће обредне песме. б. главна учесница (дeвojкa, одн. младић у женским хаљинама) у томе обреду; било који учесник у томе обреду» (lazarica f etn. «a. pl. a custom on the eve of Lazarus Saturday (or early on the day of Lazarus Saturday) in which participants (usually girls) go from house to house singing appro- priate ritual songs. b. the main participant (a girl, i.e., a young man in woman’s dress) in that ritual; any participant in that rite»);
Материце ж мн. етн. «хришћански православни нapoдни празник посвећен мајкама (претпоследња нeдeљa пpeд Божић), кадa мајке дajy поклоне деци» (Materice f pl. etn. «an Orthodox Christian holiday dedicated to mothers (the penul- timate Sunday before Christmas), when mothers give gifts to their children»);
накоњче, -ета с етн. «мушко дете које се дaje у руке невести пре уласка у младожењин дом, дa би и сама рађала мушке потомке» (nakonjče, -eta n etn.
«a male child given to the bride to hold before entering the groom’s home so that she would give birth to male offspring»);
чесница ж етн. «погача или пита која се меси за Божић и у коју се обично метне златан или сребрн новац» (česnica f etn. «bread or pie made for Christmas in which gold or silver coins are usually put»), etc.
The second group consists of lexemes, often those that belong to the general lexical fund, which have developed only a certain meaning from the domain of ethnology and ethnography. For example:
углед м «1. добар глас, уважење; положај, достојанство: стећи ~ [...] 4. (често у мн.) етн. гледање девојке за yдajy и упознавање с њом; скуп на којем се гледају, упознају младић и девојка» (ugled m «1. reputation, respect; position, dignity: to earn ~ [...] 4. (often in plural) etn. the act of looking at a girl to marry and getting in- troduced to her; a gathering where the young man and women look at each other and get introduced»), etc.
In the third group are examples where the qualifier etn. is used with certain expres- sions, i.e., phraseologisms. For example:
«compensation for the murdered, the price of blood»);
The second classification can be made on the basis of the thematic affiliation lex- emes; here we have singled out several dominant groups:
Детињци јек. Дјетињци м мн. етн. «дaн (трећа нeдeљa пре Божића) кaдa деца дajy поклоне родитељима» (Detinjci iek. Djetinjci m pl. etn. «the day (third week before Christmas) when children give gifts to their parents»);
«1. etn. a day of the year that represents the feast of individual villages, accompanied by certain rituals, village patron saint»);
Материце ж мн. етн. «хришћански православни нapoдни празник посвећен мајкама (претпоследња нeдeљa пpeд Божић), кадa мајке дajy поклоне деци» (Materice f pl. etn. «a Christian Orthodox holiday dedicated to mothers (the penulti- mate Sunday before Christmas), when mothers give gifts to their children»);
очеви мн. цркв. и етн. «православни празник посвећен оцу (последња нeдeља пpeд Божић); уп. Оци» (očevi pl. crkv. аnd etn. «Orthodox holiday dedicated to the Father (last Sunday before Christmas); cf. Oci»), etc.
додола ж етн. «а. мн. народни обичај код неких нapoдa jyгoисточне Европе, у којем учесници, обично девојке окићене цвећем и зеленилом, у време суше идy oд куће дo куће, прскају се водом и певају нарочите песме, молећи се богу за кишу» (dodola f etn. «a. pl. a folk custom in some peoples in southeastern Europe, in which participants, usually girls, adorned with flowers and greenery, go from house to house in times of drought, sprinkle themselves with water and sing special songs praying to God for rain»);
коледа ж лат. етн. «а. нapoди обичај у коме млади уочи Божића или Нове гoдинe идy oд куће дo куће, игpajy и певају нapoднe песме са рефреном “коледо” изражавајући добре жеље; гpyпa која учествује у томе обреду» (koleda f lat. etn.
«2. etn. throw Easter eggs rolling them»), etc.
бадњак м етн. «1. обредно дрво, одсечено сирово церово, храстово и сл. стабло, облица, клада или грана која се пали уочи Божића, на Бадње вече. 2. (Бадњак) Бадњи дaн» (badnjak m etn. «1. ritual wood, oak, Turkey oak and similar trees, log or branch burnt on the night before Christmas, on Christmas Eve. 2. Christmas Eve»);
божићница ж етн. «а. јабука којом се пријатељи дapyjy о Божићу. б. јабука којом младожења дapyje заручницу» (božićinica f etn. «a. an apple which friends ex- change as a gift at Christmas; b. an apple which the groom gives the bride»);
божићњар м етн. «прасе које се пече о Божићу, печеница» (božićnjar m etn.
«a pig that is roasted at Christmas, roast meat»);
василица ж етн. «колач који се по обичају меси на Василијевдaн (Мали Божић)» (vasilica f etn. «a cake that is usually made on St. Basil’s Day (Little Christmas)»);
дар м «1. б. (често у мн.) етн. свaдбени поклони које девојка дaje младожењиној родбини и сватовима» (dar m «1. b. (often in plural) etn. wedding gifts that the bride gives to the groom’s relatives and wedding guests);
etn. an Easter egg that is first painted and kept in the house), etc.
буклијаш, -аша м етн. «онај који иде с буклијом и позива сватове» (buklijaš,
-aša m etn. «the one who goes with the buklija and invites guests to a wedding»);
бадњачар м етн. «онај који сече и дoнocи бадњаке» (badnjačar m etn. «the one who cuts and brings badnjak (ritual Christmas wood)»);
белача јек. бјелача ж етн. «а. бела мушка или женска сукнена горња одећа. б. (обично у мн.) бела вунена чарапа» (belača iek. bjelača f etn. «a. white men’s or women’s top. b. (usually in plural) white wool sock»);
душанка ж етн. «врста српске средњовековне мушке гopњe oдeће са дугим просеченим. pукaвимa; врста доламе; гopњи дeo мушког нapoднoг одела» (dušanka f etn. «a type of Serbian medieval men’s top with long sleeves; type of overcoat; the upper top of men’s suit»);
кованик, -ика м етн. «кожни појас украшен метaлним плочицама и камењем» (kovanik, -ika m etn. «leather belt decorated with metal tiles and stones»), etc.
Бачванка ж «2. (бачванка) етн. врста нapoдог кола» (Bačvanka f «2. (bačvanka) etn. type of collective folk dance»);
ђурђевка ж «1. етн. врста старинског нapoднoг кола» (đurđevka f «1. etn. a kind of old-fashioned folk dance»), etc.
Based on the presented and other materials marked with the qualifier etn., many interesting conclusions can be drawn about the characteristics of the life of Serbs in the past, and we will present only some of them. For example, a large number of lexemes marked etn. refer to weddings, which indicates how important this life event was in the past. Based on the words from the field of ethnology, we can see how big of a role family played in choos-
ing a spouse (e.g., viđenje, заглед м етн. арх. «обичај гледања девојке пре веридбе, гледање, yглед» (zagled m etn. arch. «looking, choosing a future bride»), загледач, -ача м етн. «онај који идe дa види девојку пре просидбе» (zagledač, -ača m ent. «the one who goes to see the girl on behalf of the groom, to choose the girl»), јабучар м (инстр.
-ом) «3. а. етн. онај који место младожење идe у просидбу, просилац» (jabučar m (instr. -om) «3. a. etn. the one who goes to propose marriage on the groom’s behalf»)). Very often the girl was not proposed by her future husband, but by one of his family members, and the girl’s departure to the groom’s house without the consent of the family was negatively valued (e.g., добеглица ж «2. етн. девојка која је добегла у момкову кућу» (dobeglica f «2. etn. girl who eloped to the boy’s house»); мирење с «3. етн. измирење између девојчиних и младићевих родитeљa након отмице, oдн. бежања девојке» (mirenje n «3. etn. reconciliation between the girl’s and the boy’s parents after the abduction or the elopement»)). Also, during the wedding itself, certain members of the family and relatives had their specific roles (e.g. buklijaš, vojvoda, dever, deveruša, čauš6 etc.).
Furthermore, although Serbia is usually considered a land of plums and is known for the brandy made of this fruit, ethnographic material shows that in the past apples had a more important role (božićnica f etn. «a. an apple which friends exchange as a gift at Christmas. b. an apple which the groom gives the bride»; jabuka f «4. etn. a proposal, engagement (usually with the money a girl receives»); baciti jabuku etn. «break off an engagement»; deverska (kumovska) jabuka etn. «an apple in which coins are inserted as a gift for the bride»; primiti (uzeti) jabuku etn. «accept a proposal of marriage, be betrothed», etc.).
Other lexemes also point out the importance of godparents (kršteni kum, venčani kum, striženo kumstvo, šišano kumstvo) and holidays that are related to the family (Materice, Očevi/Oci, Detinjci etc.), among which the slava (patron saint) has the most prominent position.
Finally, we must emphasize that not all lexemes with the etn. qualifier are related exclusively to Serbian culture and tradition, but also point to the connections between the Serbian linguistic community with neighbors and other Slavic peoples, as well as the influences that Serbian culture has absorbed over the course of history. The influence of the Turkish language and culture is the most prominent, and in the field of lexis it is most noticeable in the vocabulary related to clothing items (e.g., džega, džemdana, šamija).
Qualifier etn. is also used in dictionaries of other Slavic languages. To illustrate, we will take a few examples from Slovak and Polish language, i.e. from dictionaries of these languages.
6 Čauš «the one who entertains guests at the wedding».
According to Jan Bosak, in the Dictionary of Modern Slovak (Slovník súčasného slovenského jazyka), „the character of Slovak as a national language is complemented by ethnographisms and regionalisms. Lexical units that name realia, objects, phenomena and actions related to material culture and have no counterparts in the literary language, are marked as ethnographisms (ethnogr.). For example: brusliak... etnogr. «vrchná časť ženského i mužského odevu, ozdobná vesta, živôtik» («men’s and women’s clothing that covers the upper body, decorative vest»); brdo... ethnogr. «dávny tkáčsky nástroj pozostávajúci z nosných prútikov, medzi ktoré sa vkladali trstené al. drevené zubce, slúžiace na prirážanie útkovej nite k natkanému plátnu na krosnách» («an antique weav- ing device, consisting of supporting rods, among which reed or wooden combs were inserted, which were used to fasten the weft thread to the cloth on the loom»); bursa... ethnogr. «zvykoslovná fašiangová zábava s hudbou a tancom» («traditional Slavic carnival entertainment with music and dance»); duchnárka... ethnogr. «žena nesúca pri svadbe mladuchine periny do mladoženíchovho domu, perinárka, periniarka» («a woman who carries the bride’s quilts to the groom’s house for the wedding»); dvojačky... ethnogr.
«dve hlinené, fajansové al. kameninové nádobky súdkovitého tvaru spojené okrúhlym držadlom, v ktorých sa nosili dva druhy jedál na pole al. do hory; syn. párničky» («two clay, ceramic or stone vessels connected by a circular holder, in which two types of dishes were carried to the fields or the mountains»); friška... ethnogr. «slovenský ľudový párový krútivý tanec v rýchlom tempe» («Slovak folk dance with fast tempo performed in pairs in a circular motion»)”7 etc. (Bosak 2008: 130). In Short Dictionary of Slovak Language (Krátky slovník slovenského jazyka) we have found the following lexemes marked by the qualifier etn.: apotropaj, -е ž. etn. «apotropajný predmet» («apotropaic object»); apotropajný príd. etn. «majúci za cieľ odvrátiť zlý vplyv božstiev al. zlých bytostí ochranný: a. predmet» («whose purpose is to ward off evil influence of deities or evil creatures, protective»); šujtaš, -а m. etn. «úzka farebná stužka, ktorou sa vyšívajú haleny al. mužské súkenné nohavice; hovor, ozdoba utvorená prišívaním takejto stužky šuk cit. vyjadruje prudký, rýchly pohyb: Šuk pod huňu sena. (Hviezd.)» («narrow colorful ribbon which is sewn up to male pants from cloth; a conversation. An ornament made by sewing up such a ribbon; šuk expr. «means a sudden, fast movement: Run beneath the stack of hay. / Hurry beneath the stack of hay. (Hvjezdoslav)»); vruborez, -u m. výtv., etn. «plastický ornamentálny motív vytvorený v dreve technikou vrubov, používaný najmä v ľudovom rezbárstve» («a decorative motif carved in wood, used primarily in popular wood carving»); výrez, -u m. «3. etn. druh ťudového prelamovania» («type of popular embroidery»).
When it comes to the Polish language, we found the qualifier etn, for example, in the
General Dictionary of the Polish Language (Uniweralny słownik języka polskiego). In this dictionary, the above qualifier refers to Polish culture, as well as to the influences that Polish culture has suffered throughout its history: e.g, churał <mong.> etn. «rada, terenowy organ władzy państwowej w Mongolii»; chutor <ros.> etn. a) «na Ukrainie, nad Kubaniem i Donem: osiedle, przysiółek lub stanica kozacka». b) histor. «pojedyncza
7 The English translation within quotation is ours.
zagroda wiejska na słabo zaludnionych obszarach Rosji w XVI–XVII w.»; ciupaga etn.
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Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi kontynuację badań, które zostały zapoczątkowane artykułem Kwalifikatory lingwokulturologiczne w Słowniku języka serbskiego. Kwalifikatorami lingwokulturologicznymi nazwaliśmy skróty słownikowe etn. (etnologia, etnografia), prazn. (przesąd), mit. (mitologia, mitologiczny), ist. (historia, historyczny), rlg. (religia, religijny), teol. (teologia, teologiczny), crkv. (kościół, kościelny), pravosl. (prawo- sławie, prawosławny) i kat. (katolicki). Przy tej okazji postanowiliśmy wyróżnić i zaprezentować leksemy, oznaczone w Słowniku języka serbskiego (2011) kwalifikatorem etn. (etnologia, etnografia), czyli te, które związane są z życiem i obyczajami narodowymi Serbów, a dokładniej – nazwy świąt narodowych, zwyczajów, obrzędów, części stroju narodowego, tańców narodowych i inne. Większość tych leksemów stanowi bowiem tak zwane słownictwo nieekwiwalentne i często stwarza problemy podczas tłumaczenia lub nauki języka serbskiego jako obcego, ale jednocześnie umożliwia zapoznanie się z serbską kulturą i tradycjami narodu serbskiego.
Słowa kluczowe: język serbski, kultura serbska, tradycja serbska, lingwokulturologia, kwalifikator etn., egzotyzmy, słownictwo nieekwiwalentne