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About the Journal

The journal “Intercultural Сommunication” (IC) (ISSN: 2451-0998; e-ISSN: 2543-7461) is a scientific semi-annual of the Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy in Józefów. The journal has been published since 2016. The purpose of the journal, in the current increasing globalization and the intensification of migration, is to provide an effective platform for the international exchange of fundamental and applied experience in the field of intercultural communication in the areas of social sciences and humanities (cultural anthropology, sociology, philosophy, philology, history, science on safety, media studies, political science, management science, legal science, pedagogy, psychology, religious studies, etc.).

 In the journal, we publish research results, based on:

  • the classical meaning of the term “Intercultural Сommunication” – the international, inter-ethnic communication,
  • the functional meaning of the term “Intercultural Сommunication” – the communication between the various systems of norms of behaviour, the moral norms, the values, the lifestyles, the customs of various social groups (for example: the urban culture, the generations culture, the organization cultural etc.).


Publisher of the journal

 Alcide De Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy in Józefów, Poland


Thematic scope

The journal publishes scientific research in the following areas:

  • Politics / Political Sciences
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Social Sciences
  • Language and Literature Studies
  • Law
  • Constitution
  • Jurisprudence
  • Theology and Religion


Journal specification

“Intercultural Сommunication” is a uniqe journal issued in Poland but of a international scope of interest. The scientific areas covered by this volume has an increasing impact in today’s digitalized world where the means of communication has transformed extremely from direct face-to-face contact to mass-media, social media and virtual world. However, the content shall remain crucial in the process of sending and receiving verbal and non-verbal information.

The internationalization of the journal is reflected in the language of the journal, i.e. English, in order to reach a wide audience of scientific texts.

The journal publishes current research results from social sciences and humanities that affect not only the state of knowledge and science, but also social life.


Scholarly level

Only original articles meeting the criteria of high scientific level may be published in the journal “Intercultural Сommunication” (see Guidelines for authors).

Ensuring a high level of scientific papers published in the IC is possible thanks to the reliable review procedures practiced by the Editorial Board (see review procedures) and compliance with the principles of publication ethics (see ethical principles) introduced by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Indexing in databases and search engines



Language of publications



Editorial team

The periodical is headed by the Editorial Committee chaired by Prof. Iwona Florek, Editor-in-Chief. The advisory and control body is the International Scholarly Board.


Publication frequency

The IC is a semi-annual periodical (see archive of issues).


Original version

The original version of the magazine is a digital version.



ISSN: 2451-0998 (printed version)

e-ISSN: 2543-7461 (online version)

Articles published in the IC are assigned with individual, unique identifiers DOI: 10.13166/ic/...


All published articles are deposited in the National Library's digital repository.


Open access policy and free licences

The IC operates on the basis of open access. All articless on the journal's website are available under the Creative Commons Attribution license - On the same terms 4.0 International - CC BY-SA 4.0 (see the full text of the license).

This means that the content of the journal is available to both the user and his / her institution free of charge. Users can read, download, copy, print, search, use the full text of the articles, as well as use them for any legitimate purpose without seeking permission from the publisher or author. This is in line with the BOAI definition for open access.

For the author it means that - by submitting the text for publication in the journal - he agrees to the above-specified policy.