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Przesyłanie tekstów

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Sprawdzenie tekstu przed wysłaniem

Autorzy proszeni są o sprawdzenie, czy tekst spełnia poniższe kryteria. Teksty, które nie spełniają wymagań redakcyjnych, mogą zostać odrzucone na etapie recenzji wewnętrznej dokonywanej przez Redakcję.

  • Zgłoszenie nie było jeszcze publikowane, ani nie zostało wysłane do innego czasopisma (lub odpowiednie wyjaśnienie zostało zawarte w sekcji komentarzy dla redaktora).
  • Plik zgłoszenia zapisane jest w formacie zapisu OpenOffice, Microsoft Word lub RTF.
  • Tekst jest zapisany pojedynczymi spacjami, czcionką 11 punktów, zawiera kursywę zamiast podkreślników (wyjąwszy adresy URL); ilustracje, wykresy i tabele zostały wklejone we właściwe miejsca.
  • Tekst przestrzega wymogów stylistycznych i bibliograficznych wyznaczonych we Wskazówkach dla autora.

Wytyczne dla autorów

Rules on publication

Sending text for publication requires registration (or logging in for already registered users) on the journal’s website. 

The editor of the journal "Intercultural Communication" does not accept email articles.

The received article is subjected to the initial review in terms of form and content by the editors of the journal and if found to be incompatible with the rules, it is returned to the author.

Each submitted article is checked by the anti-plagiarism system.

The Editor reserves the right to reject texts and revise the received works.

The final decision on acceptance for publication, acceptance after the correction or in the case of comments about rejecting the work is not subject to appeal.

If an author's correction is required, the Author is obliged to correct the work in accordance with the reviewers' suggestion and take into account any comments from the editorial office.

While making the correction, the Author cannot make changes which exceed 3% of the manuscript's volume, unless these changes have been consulted with the editors. Changes involving, inter alia, adding new paragraphs to the text or replacing them with new paragraphs of the text are allowed only with the agreement of the editor.

After the correction is made, the author is obliged to present the corrected version of the article.

If the Author, after being requested twice, fails to amend, or violate any point of those Guidelines, the work will be returned to him or her and it will not be published.

There is only one publication of each author allowed per annum.

The accuracy of information, opinions and statements contained in published material is the sole responsibility of the author. The editors of the journal "Intercultural Communication" is not responsible for the consequences of possible unreliability.

The main author submitting the multi-authors material takes primary responsibility for published work. His duty is to reveal the contribution of individual authors in the creation of the publication.

All co-authors are required to submit a written declaration about the reliability of disclosed contribution of individual authors, in which they confirm that, according to their knowledge, in the submitted material, the contributors of co-authors were indicated fairly and truthfully.

The fee for the publication of the article is 100 euros.

Polityka prywatności

Nazwy i adresy email wprowadzone na tej stronie czasopisma będą wykorzystane wyłącznie dla określonych celów tegoż czasopisma i nie będą udostępniane z innych powodów lub dla innego oddziału.