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Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Intercultural Communication


Prohibition as a method of struggle against anti-Ukrainian films

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-12-22


Purpose. This study aims to reveal the experience of Ukraine in banning as a method of struggle against Russian propagandist anti-Ukrainian films.

Methods. Deduction technique as a process of logical concluding based on the complex of analyzed facts as well as summarizing have been applied.

Results. Cinematographic informational aggression of Russia against Ukraine began in 2000 with the coming to power of V. Putin. Taking into consideration the fact, that it is television which is the most popular source of information for the absolute majority of Russians it can be claimed that Russian propagandistic films, which are very products of Putin’s policy, played not the last role in inciting aggression among Russian population.

Discussion. Since 2000 Russian cinema production has started to actively focus on popularization of their own power structures and producing films propagating war, aiming at inciting of inter-ethnical, religious aggression, humiliation of Ukrainian nation, humiliation of an individual etc. the films have been heating up Russian’s aggression against Ukrainians and preparing Russia’s population for the war with Ukraine. These films possess great potential to form mythological thinking and stereotyping of viewers’ views.

Practice has proved that introducing prohibitions as a method of struggle against anti-Ukrainian propagandist films is quite an effective method of defense.


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