Synthetic Description of the Journal
Laboratorium Mentis [LM] is a scientific journal in the field of philosophy dedicated to thought experiments, published annually by Academicon Press. See Editorial letter.
Publisher of the Journal
The journal 'Laboratorium Mentis' is published by Academicon Press.
Scope of the Journal
The periodical is dedicated to thought experiments in philosophy. It publishes:
- articles presenting innovative thought experiments along with their philosophical conclusions,
- articles analyzing and discussing thought experiments found in the literature,
- articles focused on the very idea of thought experiments.
Specificity of the Periodical
The journal is characterized by its concise form (articles should not exceed half a publishing sheet, i.e., about 10-12 pages) and content focusing on thought experiments.
Languages of Publications
In LM, texts are published in the following languages: Polish and English (see guidelines for authors).
Scientific Level
LM publishes only articles presenting innovative thought experiments and original articles, analyzing thought experiments found in the literature (see guidelines for authors).
The high scientific level of articles published in LM is ensured thanks to the reliable review procedures practiced by the Editorial Team (see review procedures) and adherence to the principles of publishing ethics (see ethical principles) developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Editorial Team
The journal is managed by the Editorial Board, chaired by dr hab. Artur Szutta, prof. UG – Editor-in-Chief. The advisory and supervisory body is the International Scientific Board. See the editorial team.
LM is an annual publication. Articles are published in an 'online first' mode and then collected in issues (see the archive of issues).
Original Version
The original version of LM is the electronic version.
e-ISSN: 2956-9427. The texts published in LM are provided with individual, unique DOI identifiers [prefix: 10.52097/lm].
Copyright Policy and Licensing
By submitting texts for publication in LM, the authors grant the publisher, Academicon Publishing, an indefinite and non-exclusive license, in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) license, to use the text. This means that the Authors retain full copyright rights. The publisher retains only the right to the first publication.
The publisher publishes texts in the journal under the libre open access formula – with the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. For the reader, this means that the content of the journal is available free of charge. Users can read, download, copy, print, search, share on the same terms as the text originally published, and use the full texts for any legally permitted purpose without needing to seek permission from the publisher or author. However, users are obliged to attribute the authorship of the text and provide information about the license. It is also good practice to indicate the place of first publication. This remains in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.