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Bd. 31 Nr. 1 (2022)


Motywy Bożego gniewu wobec Izraela i jego wrogów w targumach

  • Mirosław S. Wróbel
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52097/lst.2022.1.115-126  [Google Scholar]
Veröffentlicht: 2022-04-07


The present article shows the theme of God’s wrath against Israel and his enemies in the targums – the most ancient Aramaic translations and commentaries of the Hebrew Bible. The author places this topic in a wider context of God’s justice and God’s mercy stressing three aspects: 1. God’s wrath against the sinners; 2. God as the Judge acting withe the justice; 3. God’s wrath in the context of God’s mercy. In the article the author shows the specific of Aramaic translations regarding God’s wrath giving textual examples. He concludes that the targums functioning as the bridge between the Torah and the Gospel show that God’s mercy is stronger than God’s wrath. The interpretation of God’s wrath in the targums prepares the teaching of Jesus about the God’s justice in the context of God’s mercy.


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