Directive of the evaluation of evidence by an ecclesiastical judge in case of nullity of marriage. Commentary on the Roman Rota sentence coram Salvatori of 6th July 2012 7-17 Fr. Adam Młynarczyk PDF (Język polski)
Religion In the service of war, war in the service of religion 19-32 Jakub Stępień PDF (Język polski)
Discrimination on the basis of religion in Poland and the Czech Republic 33-46 Krystyna Ziółkowska PDF (Język polski)
Legal opinion on the date of the general meeting of the Association of Church Archivists 47-51 Fr. Mieczysław Różański PDF (Język polski)
Fr. Jacek Salij – Christology tuning to the Holy Scripture 53-66 Fr. Grzegorz Bachanek PDF (Język polski)
„Being built as a spiritual temple” (1 Peter 2:5), or the allegorical interpretation of Absalon of Sprinckirsbach in his four sermons for the dedication of the church 67-89 Fr. Mateusz Włosiński PDF (Język polski)
Facebook Users’ Reactions to the Media Coverage of Actors at the Oscars in the Context of the Red Ribbon Campaign in 1991 and the Time’s Up Movement in 2018. Selected Media Studies Reflections 91-114 Aleksandra Kuligowska PDF (Język polski)
Artificial intelligence and modern journalism. Opportunities and threats for the fourth power on the example of automation of the msn news service. Part 2 115-134 Kinga Kwaczyńska PDF (Język polski)
Consideration or selfishness? – Nationwide protest of farmers in „Rzeczpospolita” and „Gazeta Wyborcza” 135-148 Karolina Majtas PDF (Język polski)
Media images of Donald Trump based on publications from the weeklies “Newsweek” and “Sieci” during the 2020 presidential campaign 149-185 Jakub Popławski PDF (Język polski)
Marcin Majewski, Paweł Biedziak, Tora. Rozmowa o pierwszych pięciu księgach Biblii, Wydawnictwo Vocatio, Warszawa 2022, ss. 165 187-189 Jarosław Ćwikła PDF (Język polski)