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Nr 3 (2022)

Historia adwokatury

Poznański Zjazd Adwokatury z 1981 r. W świetle materiałów Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości

  • Piotr Fiedorczyk
Opublikowane: 04.02.2024


The author presents and discusses a note concerning the 1981 Nationwide Bar Convention in Poznan, which was found in the resources of the then Ministry of Justice. This Bar Convention was one of the most weighty events in the history of the advocates’ professional self-government after 1945. The importance of this event was already realized at the time. The distinctness of the event consisted in the fact that, thanks to the Convention, the Bar unequivocally joined the current of changes initiated by the August 1980 strikes on the Baltic Coast and the creation of the ‘Solidarity’ Trade Union. In 2015, Czeslaw Jaworski, Esq. a Convention participant, expressed the opinion that the resolutions adopted at that time prepared the concept for the future rule-of-law state.


  1. Brak [Google Scholar]