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Nr 11 (2023)


Wpływ zmian w przepisach Prawa geologicznego i górniczego na relację pomiędzy procedurą ujawniania złóż kopalin w dokumentach planistycznych a uzyskaniem koncesji na wydobycie kopaliny ze złoża

  • Aleksandra Bieniak
Opublikowane: 05.02.2024


The subject of this article is an analysis of amendments introduced in the provisions of the Act of 9 June 2011 - Geological and Mining Law, by the amending Acts of 7 July 2023 and 16 June 2023, which concerned, among others, disclosing mineral deposits in municipal and voivodeship planning documents in order to ensure proper protection of the deposits. The article attempts to assess the amendments in terms of their impact on improving the procedure for updating the planning documents, and thus securing the interests of entities interested in obtaining mining licences. The issues discussed in the article are a topic of broad interest, affecting not only the protection of strategic mineral deposits, but also common minerals. The article does not contain an in-depth analysis of the issue of strategic deposits or the ban on permanent development or use of land.


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