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Vol. 16 No. 18 (2) (2021)


Protection of Biological Diversity and Covid-19 Pandemics – Selected Legal Aspects

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-09-23


The paper is an attempt at answering the questions: Are the current regulations expected to protect biodiversity effective and systemic? Have any actions in this respect been taken at the national and EU levels during the Covid-19 pandemics? Given the scale of the coronavirus threat, what should be the direction of legislative changes to effectively foster protection of biological diversity? To what extent can effective provision of biodiversity protection with legal regulations affect minimising the risk of global pandemics in future? The subject matter is particularly topical and pressing from the public perspective as the pandemic situation is being exacerbated and searching for solutions that may protect the world against this situation in future is a priority.


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