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Vol. 29 No. 32 (2019)


The Same Duties and Limitations of Religious and Clergy

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-06-30


Although religious life differs from the life of non-religious clergy, from the point of view of everyday life and legal regulations, there are certain duties and restrictions which are similar for both. The legislator, in the part of Code of Canon Law where the rights and duties of religious are mentioned, in can. 672, refers to several provisions which are found in the section on the rights and duties of clergy. This article discusses exactly those issues which, on the legislator's decision, equally obligate both clergy and religious. Getting acquainted with the rules and regulations by their proper analysis allows to understand why some behaviours or decisions, which are something normal and good for a lay man, may not be beneficial to the religious or clergy men.


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