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Vol. 33 No. 36 (2023)


Economic Activity in the Church – the Penal Dimension. Comments on the Amendment to Canon 1376 CIC

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Published: 2023-05-31


The 1983 Code of Canon Law does not contain any norms regulating the economic activity of ecclesiastical legal persons. This does not mean, however, that canon law remains indifferent in this matter. The church legislator’s concern for the supervision of economic activity is expressed in the regulation of a rather complex manner of managing church property, including its specific act – the alienation of property, as well as the determination of penal sanctions for violating the rules in this matter.

The penal norm of Canon 1377 that had been in force so far, penalizing the alienation of church property without the permission prescribed by law, has been significantly expanded. Pope Francis, reforming Book VI of the Code of Canon Law, expanded the scope and principles of criminal liability for economic abuses by re-editing Canon 1376. The norm of this provision penalizes the offense of misappropriation or obstruction of gaining benefits from church goods (which was not included in the current code) and the offense of unlawful activities in the administration of church goods (which has been significantly expanded). Reflecting on the criminal aspect of administration of church goods, the article attempts to answer the following questions: What are these crimes? What was the intention of the legislator? What is the essence of the criminal law reform in the discussed scope?


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