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Vol. 27 No. 30 (2017)


Exclusion of bonum sacramenti (canon 1101 § 2 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983) in the Judgment Concerning Benedetto Tuzia (Bishop Orvieto-Todi) of 16 May 2016 in Shortened Proceedings

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Published: 2017-06-30


On May 16, 2016, the bishop of an Italian Orvieto-Todi diocese, Benedetto Tuzia, passed a judgment (declaring a marriage null and void) in shortened proceedings, carried out according to motu proprio Mitis Iudex of Pope Francis. The marriage between 24-year-old Franciszek and 28-year-old Paula, concluded on July 4, 2010 (preceded by a long-term relationship), lasted mere five months. Franciszek was against getting married as he preferred an informal way of living together. Paula was categorically against such an idea and stood by church marriage. This decision was not accepted well by Franciszek, who finally, to maintain his relationship with Paula, agreed to conclude church marriage despite his conviction. The marriage, which faced problems from the beginning, lasted only five months. On February 29, 2016, Paula and Franciszek requested the Ecclesiastical court in Umbria to declare their marriage null and void because of Franciszek’s exclusion of indissolubility of marriage (can. 1101 § 2 of CIC/83). After the decision of Judicial vicar to start processus brevior proceedings (the basis for which were two circumstances: absence of faith in Franciszek which led to his simulation of marriage consent and short duration of marriage) and evidence hearing, the case files were handed over to the above mentioned bishop, who – after obtaining moral certainty about the nullity of marriage – passed pro nullitate judgement because of Franciszek’s exclusion of indissolubility of marriage. By presenting and commenting this judgment, the author (without questioning it itself) puts forward a number of critical remarks concerning its editing.


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