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Bd. 32 Nr. 3 (2023)


Automation anxiety. Sztuczna inteligencja w dziennikarstwie w perspektywie infoetycznej

  • Dariusz Raś
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.3.31-44  [Google Scholar]
Veröffentlicht: 2023-10-09


Personal demand for information and opinions seems to be constantly increasing in the age of digital media. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new milestone for the constantly developing media. The influence of artificial intelligence on journalism is an interesting subject for research. Although, the main field of reflection should be focused on infoethics. Automation anxiety, means the fear of automation, accompanies journalists more and more frequently. For some, robotization of journalism is only a way to save money in the newsroom, and for others a catalyst for algorithm bias, contributes to the formation of an information bubble, causes a confirmation effect and fosters the generation of so-called deep fakes. Still other opinions indicate the positive side of the process, e.g. greater transparency of journalism and the discovery by AI of such connections between facts that would never have been discovered otherwise. So is there a space left in the media of the Web 3.0 era for a journalist’s personality, reflection, responsibility for the word and personalism? These problems are key at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century.


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