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V. 30 N. 1 (2021)


Teologiczno-liturgiczne aspekty nowych wezwań Litanii loretańskiej do Najświętszej Maryi Panny

Pubblicato: 2021-06-07


The presented analysis of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Loreto shows theological thoughts resulting from this prayer. The history of its creation indicates that it is a work of adding new invocations that define Mary. Pope Francis, analyzing the signs of the times, added three new apostrophes to the group of terms: Mother of Mercy, Mother of Hope and Consolation of migrants. All new exhortations have their thoroughly open, in which it is possible to justify, not only in the official teaching of the Church, but also in the theological plan of the People of God.

The Mother of God is always open to the voice of her earthly children, she always listens to them with love, although time is relentlessly moving forward and the world is changing from year to year. Therefore, it seems right to say that in the light of the constant changes and the signs of the times, prayer to Our Lady may also evolve, depending on the needs. Thus, the addition of new apostrophes and indications of the Mother of God in the Litany of Loreto seems fully justified. And maybe even especially nice to her.

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