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V. 31 N. 1 (2022)


Projekt Biblia Aramejska. Targum Neofiti 1

  • Przemysław Kubisiak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Pubblicato: 2022-04-07


The Aramaic Bible is a large-scale academic project to translate the Aramaic targums to the Pentateuch (gr. πεντάτευχος) into Polish. The originator and initiator of this undertaking is the head of the Biblical Sciences Section of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Father Prof. Miroslaw Stanislaw Wróbel together with the academic staff of the section. The first part of the project will cover three Aramaic targums to the Pentateuch of the Hebrew Bible – Targum Neofiti 1 (1–5), Targum Pseudo-Jonatanus (6–10) and Targum Onkelos (11–15). A total of 15 volumes will be published, plus one introductory volume on targumic topics.

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