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Nr 7-8 (2022)


Realizacja praw osób niepełnosprawnych w zakresie dostępu do utworów chronionych prawem autorskim po wystąpieniu Wielkiej Brytanii z Unii Europejskiej

  • Anna Bober-Kotarbińska
Opublikowane: 04.02.2024


The paper answers the question whether, and if so how, in the light of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, the rights of persons with disabilities in respect of access to works protected by copyright will be realized, particularly against the background of international agreements and treaties in the field of intellectual property law. The author outlines the main elements of the characteristics of the human rights system and the system and history of anti-discrimination law and intellectual property law in the UK in relation to the needs and rights of persons with disabilities, and further discusses the legal solutions applied to minimize the so-called regulatory vacuum, resulting from the so-called Brexit, and characterizes their significance for the further realization of the rights of persons with disabilities to access copyrighted works in accessible formats. The conclusions drawn from the above considerations lead to the conclusion that, despite the occurrence of a significant legislative separation, the cross-border exchange of works in formats accessible to persons with disabilities can proceed unhindered.


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