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No. 7-8 (2022)


Admissibility of convalidating a defect consisting in an indictment being brought by an unauthorized entity – commentary on Supreme Court judgment of 18.01.2018 (II KK 297/17)

  • Dobrochna Owsicka
Published: 2024-02-04


The commentary concerns a judgment of the Supreme Court, in which the Court expressed a correct view that a negative procedural condition in the form of absence of a private accusation brought by a legitimate prosecutor applies when the proceedings were initiated by an accusation made by an unauthorized entity and this state of affairs cannot be remedied even by accession to the proceedings of a prosecutor having the right to file a private accusation. The defective act of the main private accusation being filled by an unauthorised prosecutor cannot be remedied, as it cannot be convalidated.

One must fully agree with the position expressed by the Supreme Court. However, due to the practical importance of the issue concerning a negative procedural condition in the form of absence of a private accusation brought by a legitimate prosecutor, it is necessary to analyse in more detail the problem of the right to file a private accusation of individual participants of criminal proceedings and the impossibility of convalidating a criminal procedural act whereby an unauthorized entity filed a private accusation. The commented judgment invites looking at the issue from a broader perspective.


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