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No. 12 (2022)

Forum adwokackie

Genocide! How to evaluate? On contemporary mass killing once again

  • Katarzyna Wolska
Published: 2024-02-05


This article is a supplement to my digression of 2 June 2022. It is a reference to that article, as the current situation in Ukraine demands it. It is an extension of my inquiries as the Aggressor and the Assaulted by fair means or foul aim to annihilate lives. It is an escalation of pain, because children are not spared. It is a form of opposition against violence, against inhumanity, against war. It is a demand, to speak and write about the law. It is the imperative of the moment, because the victims demand that, because our humanity forces us to do it, because lawyers – humanists miss it.


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