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No. 9 (2023)


Decriminalization of defamation. A critical analysis

  • Łukasz Breguła
Published: 2024-02-05


The article addresses the issue of justification for the presence of norms establishing sanctions for defamation in the Polish legal system. The aim of the reflections is to determine whether the potential repeal of provisions on defamation is justified or whether it is an overly radical solution. The article includes an analysis of the reasons indicated in the justification of the bill of 7 July 2023 amending the Penal Code and other statutes, which foresees the repeal of Articles 212-215 of the Penal Code. The deliberations also concern the question whether all categories of defamation should be treated in the same way, or conversely, whether they should be treated distinctly, taking into account the particularities of various distinct categories of defamation.


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