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Nr 6 (2023)


Uprawnienia wytwórców korzystających z aukcyjnego systemu wsparcia na gruncie art. 79a ustawy o odnawialnych źródłach energii

  • Urszula Fronczek
Opublikowane: 05.02.2024


The article presents the characteristics of the new procedure, regulated by Article 79a of Act on Renewable Energy Sources, namely extending the time limit for discharging the obligation to effect the first sale of electricity generated in a RES installation within the auction system. It also assesses the new procedure’s influence on the situation of electricity generators who have won auctions to produce and sell electricity from renewable energy sources and want to update their bids. The author calls for an amendment to the regulations regarding the update of the auction winning bid in terms of the regulations included in Article 79a of Act on Renewable Energy Sources. 


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