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Vol. 13 (2021)


Agreement between the Apostolic See and the republic of Angola on the relationship between the church and the state

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Published: 2021-12-31


One of the African states that have concluded an agreement with the Holy See is the Republic of Angola; The treaty was signed on September 13, 2019 and ratified on November 21, 2019. It includes a preamble and 26 articles regulating a wide range of matters of interest to both Parties. In expressing a desire to define the legal framework for these relations, the parties were guided by the will to confirm, strengthen and deepen the ties of friendship, solidarity and cooperation. It is significant here to underline the historical importance of the Catholic Church in Angola and its role in the service of the progress and spiritual, moral, social and cultural well-being of the Angolan people.
Guided by the principle of independence and sovereignty, the parties agreed on individual issues concerning the activities of the Church in Angola. Noteworthy are regulations concerning the secrecy of confession and professional secrecy (Article 8, paragraphs 1–2), cases against clergymen (Article 9), the establishment of educational, health, social, cultural and humanitarian institutions by the Catholic Church (Article 15) or religious ties (Article 16).
It can be expected that the agreement of the Holy See with another African state will contribute to the deepening of the process of inculturation on that continent.


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