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Vol. 25 No. 28 (2015)


Multi-Person 0rgans in Managing Particular Church

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2015-06-30


The author in his paper analyzed the provisions specifying the legal status of auxiliary collegial administrative organs in a particular Church. The Second Vatican Council determined the collegiality in the universal Church, admittedly, but it can be said the same in the particular Church. New consultative organs were created, similar to the colleges, which are not the entity of the power of governance, but with their advice and proposais support the diocesan bishop in managing the diocese. The following should be distinguished: the presbyteral council, the college of consultors, the finance council, the group of pastor consultors, and also the pastoral council, the episcopal council and the mediation council. Their role, especially in these days, is very important, because they contribute to the achievement by the diocesan bishop much more understanding in making the binding decisions.


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