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Vol. 1 No. 3–4 (2022)


The analysis of the definition of virtual currencies of the 1 March bill on money laundering nd terrorism financing counteractiin

  • Grzegorz Ocieczek
  • Paweł Opitek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-10-10


The following article discusses in detail legal definitione of virtul currencies which can be found in article 2, section 2, point 26 of the bill of 1 April 2018 on money laundering and terrorosm financing counteracting. The discussin on the importance and the role of the above definitions in legal texts serves as a departure point. What follows next, is the interpretation of phrases which comprise the elements in article 2, section 2, point 26 of the AML bill, that is, ‘digital value transformation’, fungible in economic circulation into legal tender, ‘accepted as a medium of circulation’, ‘electronically stored or transferred or the object of e–commerce. ’The article concludes with some thesis formed on th basis of the above analysis.


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