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Vol. 1 No. 3–4 (2022)


Living law

  • Krystyna Patora
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-10-10


The subject of the article is a review of judicial decisions concerning the interpretation of features of money laundering offence from article 299 § 1 of the Criminal Code. The analysis of court decisions focuses on those issued in recent years and relating to the contentious features of the offence of money laundering. The aim of this article is to indicate the effects of judicial interpretation
on the limits of criminal liability of persons foundguilty of committing the guilty acts and money laudering also withregard to the forfeiture of property benefits, predicate offens, and being the subject of money laundering enforcement activities.
Court case law , in specific cases, indicated the limits ofpenalizing the money laundering. Without negating the position of thecourts in the presented judgments which concernlarge multi-person cases and large benefits, it should be discussed whether in fact eqach predicate offence, regardless of the amount of benefit it brings, may in the case of introducing this benefit to the market, constitute the grounds for prosecution for money laundering. Such a wide field of criminalization also results in elimination of stolen goods.


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