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No. 17 (2018)


Different Understandings of the Sanctity of Jahwe’s People by Moses and Korah. An Analysis of Num 16:1-17:15

Published: 2018-12-29


Korah’s rebellion, directed against Moses, was based on the assertion of the universal character of the sanctity of the chosen people, hence the rebel’s doubts about the hierarchical structure of the community on the way to the promised land. The article is a review of subsequent incidents that occurred during a stoppage in the Kadesh oasis (Numbers 16). An analysis of the literary structure of the entire chapter has allowed for the identification of many details concerning the situation. It also let us determine all factors that influenced the attitude of the rebel and his supporters. The abundance of motifs in the chapter in question leads to an extensive analysis, and the issue of sanctity is often marked. Moses’s understanding of sanctity differs substantially from the one postulated by Korah, as evidenced by exegesis.


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