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Vol. 19 (2020)

Scientific articles

Theological Implications of Motet Compositions. The Case of Ave Maria (…) Virgo Serena by Josquin des Prés

Published: 2020-12-30


The article presents a search for certain theological implications in the work of one of the most well-known Flemish Renaissance composers, Josquin des Prés, exemplified by Ave Maria (…) Virgo Serena, one of the most perfect compositions of its times. A motet is a 4-voice musical composition to a Latin text. The source of the analysed text is probably a prayer in honour of Mary, Our Lady of Grace. The composition presents important scenes from   Mary's life. Each stanza is elaborated differently. The work contains certain motifs and theological themes that concern Mary. The analysed composition makes use of several compositional techniques. The text contains keywords that are crucial for the proper understanding of the composition. Theological content is conveyed by means of symbolic numbers and certain technical measures.


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