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No. 16 (2017)

Teologia systematyczna

Christology of rev. Wincenty Granat as compared to the message of „Redemptor hominis” encyclical by John Paul II

Published: 2017-12-20


This article endeavours to demonstrate mainly the post – Conciliar Christology of rev. Professor Wincenty Granat as compared to „Redemptor hominis” – the first program encyclical by John Paul II. First, the evolution of Wincenty Granat’s Christology from neo-scholasticism to existential Christology has been shown, as well as the impact of post-Conciliar renewal on dogmatic theology. While comparing the writings of both authors, the relevance of rev. Granat’s theology emerges, as well as its receptiveness to Conciliar recommendations and a dialogue with the contemporary world. Next, the discussion focused on theological structure of „Redemptor hominis" encyclical, where the Pope reconciled the two ways of understanding and practicing Christology: the „top-down” and the „bottom-up” models. Worth mentioning inspirations, which follow from the „Redemptor hominis” encyclical, are the Church depicted as the living Jesus Christ and the relationship between Christology and Mariology. Conducted analyses pointed to an analogy between the two discussed authors, as well as stressed the relevance of rev. Professor Wincenty Granat’s Christological thought.


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