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Bd. 30 Nr. 2 (2021)


Ostatnia Wieczerza a Wieczerza Paschalna

  • Tomasz Szurek
Veröffentlicht: 2021-10-15


Passover is the first and most important Jewish feast. That celebration was governed by many customs and orders contained in the Mishna – an essential part of the Talmud. The course of the paschal supper (seder pesach) was also clearly established, identifying and explaining each element of the common celebration of the Exodus. Just before his death, Jesus, along with his disciples, wanted to eat the Last Supper, which was rooted in the rites of Judaism. Taking into account the correlation between the Last Supper and the Paschal Supper, two concepts can be identified – the first, represented by Louise Bouyer, assumes that Jesus did not associate the institution of the Eucharist with rites specific only to the Passover feast. This “incomplete” dependence on the Passover allowed Christ’s disciples to reinterpret these rites in a Christian way. Joachim Jeremias takes a slightly different position, proposing the hypothesis about the institution of the Eucharist in the “atmosphere” of Passover. According to the passages from the New Testament Jesus made many references to the course of the Passover feast, such as eating in Jerusalem, starting after sunset, breaking bread after the first course, and singing Hallel at the end of the feast. However, it also introduces many new themes that allow us to conclude that the Last Supper was something that stood out from the rules of Judaism – it was the Passover of Jesus.


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Źródła internetowe

http://www.jhi.pl/psj/chamec (dostęp: 6.12.2020)
http://www.jhi.pl/psj/Imiona_Boga (dostęp: 6.12.2020)
http://www.jhi.pl/psj/seder (dostęp: 6.12.2020)


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