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Bd. 32 Nr. 1 (2023)


Udział łódzkiego harcerstwa w plebiscycie i powstaniach śląskich 1920-1921

  • Piotr Dziewulski
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.1.87-96  [Google Scholar]
Veröffentlicht: 2023-04-25


The outbreak of the first Silesian Uprising in 1919 was a spontaneous phenomenon that got out of the control of then formal decision-makers on the Polish side, at the same time it surprised the German side. Scouts from the entire independent Republic of Poland – including Lodz, participated in subsequent events in Upper Silesia. The author based his considerations on articles from the scouting press of the time, a few internal documents of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP) and memories. As a result of the source analysis, it was able to present a picture of the strong support provided by the Lodz scouting in the Silesian uprisings and the plebiscite in years 1920–1921. The activities of the scout instructors delegated to Silesia, noted in the memories, show that their work was distant from the mission of the ZHP and was purely propaganda.


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