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Vol. 31 No. 1 (2022)


The meaning of the verb Πιστεύω (believe) in the gospel of john in the context of the old testament אמן

  • Dorota Chwiła FMA
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-04-07


The faith is one of the key issues of John’s Gospel. To believe means to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus, to listen to His word. In the context of the Hebrew verb אמן, to believe is to remain steadfast in His teaching, His commandments. The disciple’s faithfulness is based primarily on God’s promises, which are infallible. The act of „believing” is a dynamically developing process for John. This is why only the verb πιστεύω occurs in the text of the fourth Gospel, while the noun form ἡ πίστις is absent.


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