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Vol. 31 Núm. 3 (2022)


Reportaż telewizyjny w służbie dziennikarstwa poszukującego prawdy o człowieku i świecie

  • Bogumiła Fiołek-Lubczyńska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publicado: 2022-10-11


The aim of this article is to draw attention to TV reportage as a message that tries to convey the truth about the human being and the world to the viewer. The reportage is treated as a journalist message in which the subjective narrative of the producer (reporter) shapes their work. The reportage can therefore be treated as a „text” which is a reliable description of reality as well as a work and a manifestation of artistry.
The English version of Wikipedia (the so-called free encyclopedia) includes the term „narrative journalism” and characterizes it as containing verified and reliable information conveyed by the media. The media coverage produced by a journalist-reporter must therefore present true stories, in which the creator does not resign from the principles of dramaturgy and subjectivization. All journalist measures, however, focus on the superior function, which is an attempt to tell the truth about important issues, covering various areas of life – from politics through economy, science, racial problems to family relations and internal conflicts that people experience. The characteristic of „narrative journalism” thus evokes the genre features of reportage. This genre is creatively cultivated by the most eminent journalists of all the media – the press, radio and television. The article highlights the work by Monika Meleń and Barbara Włodarczyk, whose reportage presents the truth about the human and the world.



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