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Vol. 30 No 1 (2021)


„Religia obywatelska” zagrożeniem dla ewangelizacyjnej misji Kościoła w Polsce

Publiée: 2021-06-07


The transmission of the Christian Message requires the commitment of the intellect and life of those who embrace the kerygma, as well as the special vigilance of those who are evangelizers. The reality is too dynamic to ignore the necessity of human diagnosis and the current condition of the generation it represents. This article is addressed to Catholics who are not indifferent to the issue of effectively handing over the deposit of faith. The author, being pastorally involved in the affairs of contemporary Poles, sees the need to convince about the threat posed by the temptation to turn Christianity into a civic religion. Observing, especially the young generation of his countrymen, the author forecasts such a close connection of national matters with the message of Jesus Christ, which is detrimental to the cause of evangelization.


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