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Vol. 32 No 2 (2023)


Galenosfera w liturgii

  • Waldemar Bartocha
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publiée: 2023-06-28


The publications of the late Bishop Adam Lepa (1939–2022) deal with the topic of the galenosphere as an environment of silence and its role in life and in the process of human education. A special and specific form of the galenosphere are those environments of silence that concern the sacrum. In this context, it is possible to speak of the importance of silence obligatory during the celebration of liturgy. The aim of the study is to show the nature and role of the galenosphere characteristic of the liturgy. Starting from an explanation of the concept of the galenosphere, the author of the study then goes on to show the close relationship that develops between silence and mystery on the basis of the analysis of the writings of Odo Casel (1886–1948), a Benedictine monk from the Abbey of Maria Lach in the Rhineland, founder of the mystery theory in sacramentology and an outstanding theologian of the liturgy. In Odo Casel’s optics, silence is a ritual form of personal participation in Christ’s action, which is realised on the sacramental plane, and not merely an expression of subjective piety. The aim of liturgical silence is therefore to pursue the mystery communion with the Logos.
The next section of the paper, based on an analysis of the General Introduction to the Roman Missal, presents the location of moments of silence in the structure of the Eucharistic celebration, their theological and liturgical justification and their normative character. The final section of the article is devoted to the typology of liturgical silence. It discusses its following types: reflective, internalizing, meditative and adorative silence. It concludes by pointing out pastoral aspects related to the great importance of silence in the process of implementing the conciliar principle of participatio actuosa. Liturgical silence cannot be identified with “an inner haven in which to hide oneself in some sort of intimate isolation”, but is “a symbol of the presence and action of the Holy Spirit” (Pope Francis, Apostolic Letter Desiderio desideravi, no. 52). In this perspective of the pneumatological significance of moments of silence in liturgical celebrations, the demand to educate clergy and lay faithful to perform the symbolic gesture of silence with great care is particularly relevant from the point of view of liturgical formation.


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