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Tom 33 Nr 1 (2024)


„Ze wszech miar stosownie zatem świątynią Boga nazywamy duszę sprawiedliwego” Absalona ze Sprinckirsbach kazanie XLI na poświęcenie kościoła – przekład i komentarz

  • Łukasz Libowski
  • Piotr Wilk
  • Mateusz Włosiński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 22.05.2024


This article is devoted to one of the sermons by the great and illustrious Victorine preacher, Absalon of Sprinckirsbach (died 1205), author of the extensive collection Sermones festivales, which was first published in 1534 in Cologne, and was later reprinted in 1605 in Milan and in J.-P. Migne’s perennial Latin patrology. The sermon in question is the sermon XLI, one of four sermons by Absalon intended to be read or preached on the occasion of a church dedication ceremony – three of these occasional sermons are already available in Polish translation. A translation of the indicated work is offered here with brief commentaries in the form of footnotes to selected parts of it. The Latin text of the sermon is also included below, so that the two language versions, Latin and Polish, can be easily compared by the reader. The present work, which enriches the collection of those Victorine texts in which the allegorical meaning of the Christian temple is expounded and which are available in Polish, is an element of a broader research project, which will culminate in a study referring to Absalon’s theology of the house of God. This study will complement the article “Multa in his omnibus latent profunda mysteria.” Hugh, Richard and Adam of St Victor’s understanding of the church building.


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