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Nr 1-2 (2022)

Prawo własności intelektualnej

Usunięcie znaku towarowego a treść prawa ochronnego na znak towarowy

  • Julia Chlebny
Opublikowane: 23.01.2024


The aim of the article is to attempt and answer the question whether removal of a trademark is covered by the trademark protective law. To achieve this, it is firstly necessary to consider whether the notion of using a trademark includes the removal thereof, or, alternatively, whether the legislator has only provided for an effective protection from using somebody else’s trademark or also that from other practices not directly related to in the Act but still impacting the relationship between the goods and their signing. Despite the fact that removal of somebody else’s trademark and potential unlawful signing of the goods involved with one’s own trademark may result in distortion of market transparency, and that the necessity of protecting the interests of a party entitled to the removed trademark is obvious in many cases, at present it remains troublesome, on the basis of the current Act on the Industrial Property Law, to include removal of a trademark within the contents of exclusive rights. In fact, protection of justified interests of a party entitled to a trademark should be primarily sought in the area covered by the counteracting unfair competition act.


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