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No. 9 (2023)

Przegląd orzecznictwa

Disciplinary measures against a judge for public criticism of judicial reform Tuleya v. Poland : [Judgment of 6.07.2023, Chamber (Section I), complaints No. 21181/19 and 51751/20]

  • Marek Antoni Nowicki
Published: 2024-02-05


Igor Tuleya has been an adjudicating judge since 1996. His case concerned the new system of disciplinary liability for judges, and in particular five preliminary disciplinary investigations initiated against him in 2018 on suspicion of having committed disciplinary offences. One of them, concerning the alleged unauthorized disclosure of information from the investigation files, led to the initiation of criminal proceedings against him after the waiver of his immunity by the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court (SN) and his suspension for some time from the activities of a judge. Criminal proceedings against I. Tuleya appear to be ongoing and no preliminary investigation has led to disciplinary proceedings against him.


  1. Brak [Google Scholar]