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Nr 7-8 (2022)

Najnowsze orzecznictwo

Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka – przegląd orzecznictwa (kwiecień–czerwiec 2022 r.)

  • Marek Antoni Nowicki
Opublikowane: 04.02.2024


The review of the case-law presents the most significant views expressed in judgments and advisory opinions issued by the European Court of Human Rights between April and June 2022, concerning prohibition of torture, no punishment without law, right to respect for private and family life, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and association, right to free elections, prohibition of discrimination.

The review is followed by a comprehensive summary of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (Grand Chamber) in the case Grzęda v. Poland concerning the lack of judicial review of premature termination ex lege, after le-gislative reform, of a serving judge’s mandate as member of the National Council of the Judiciary.


  1. Brak [Google Scholar]