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No. 4 (2024)


Lawyer: demiurge or con artist?

  • Marek Derlatka
Published: 2024-07-11


A lawyer is one of the most prestigious professions, commonly cited as an example of a dream profession for a child, a candidate for a spouse, or simply a well-paid successful person. The film industry has a big influence on this perception of the lawyer; I use the term „industry” here deliberately, because the art appears on the screen as often as classical music does at weddings. The lawyer as a film character is a cynical, ruthless, spoiled eccentric, greedy for money and luxury, who will stop at nothing to win a case, even against the law, morality, let alone religion, since he/she is the devil’s advocate. This perception of the role of a lawyer is typical of many clients who are only interested in the outcome of the trial, who believe that the end justifies the means, and who adhere to the principle: „I pay, so I demand”.

According to the filmmakers, legal professionals, including also judges, prosecutors and bailiffs, who by definition are supposed to be symbols of a law-abiding attitude, respect for the law and morality, betray their mission. Fortunately, the reality differs from the vision of pop culture creators: there are not as many examples of dishonest lawyers as the frequency with which they feature on the big screen suggests. Nevertheless, the impact of the exaggerated, caricatured film image
of a lawyer on the imagination of the average viewer is negative.


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