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Nr 12 (2022)

Najnowsze orzecznictwo

Przegląd orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego i Trybunału Sprawiedliwości UE w sprawach karnych (czerwiec–listopad 2022)

  • Patrycja Balcer-Czarnecka
  • Janusz Raglewski
  • Dobrosława Szumiło-Kulczycka
  • Witold Zontek
Opublikowane: 05.02.2024


The review of the case law presents selected interesting judgments of the Supreme Court issued in the period June – November 2022 and two judgments of the CJEU with comments from the authors. The presented jurisprudence concerns such issues as: compensation and redress adjudicated on the basis of the provisions of the February Act, assessment of the degree of social harmfulness of the offense of defamation, the problem of the resulting intention in the crime of murder, the problem of court interference in the content of the application for a conviction at a meeting without a hearing, the problem of determining the crime basic in the case of a stolen goods offense, the question of the statute of limitations for a disciplinary tort and the statute of limitations for the offense, the competence of the authority to issue a European Evidence Warrant, the problem of electronic data retention and the use of such data for evidence purposes in criminal proceedings.


  1. Brak [Google Scholar]