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Nr 6 (2023)


Śmierć skarżącego a rozpoznanie skargi konstytucyjnej – glosa do orzeczenia Trybunału Konstytucyjnego z 21.01.2020 r. (TS 68/18)

  • Paweł Śmiałek
  • Roksana Gawrońska
Opublikowane: 05.02.2024


The analysed judgment concerns the examination of a constitutional appeal of a person who died after filing it. This matter has not yet been the subject of broad interest of the Constitutional Tribunal and the science of constitutional law. There is no doubt, however, that this is an extremely important issue that requires in-depth analysis, in particular bearing in mind the inconsistency in the jurisprudence of the constitutional court. On the one hand, the Constitutional Tribunal recognizes that the applicant’s death in the course of the proceedings does not constitute a reason for suspending or discontinuing the proceedings initiated by a constitutional appeal, since it is of utmost importance to examine the constitutionality of the challenged normative act. On the other hand, the constitutional court states that the basis for the successful lodging of a constitutional appeal is the legal interest of the applicant, which ceases upon their death. The purpose of this study is to discuss the issue related to examination of a constitutional appeal if the person who lodged it subsequently dies, from the perspective of the general legal interest connected with examining a constitutional appeal, as well as the objectives connected with its examination by the constitutional court.


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