The present article focuses on the issues regarding protection of the information obtained by clergymen of the Catholic church as well as other churches and religious associations by virtue of their office. The author’s analyses have been based on the relevant principles of the Constitution of the Italian Republic as well as applicable laws of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure and Penal Code. The above mentioned basic law regulates the issues of protection of religious freedom and institutional relations between the state and religious associations. Protection provided by the regulations of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure and Penal Code covers not only the information acquired by clergymen but also every other proof they possess by virtue of their office or position held.
Analysis of the content and axiology of the aforementioned regulations, in the light of the internal law of churches or religious associations, allows for an appreciation of the Italian protection both of the sacramental seal and professional secret of clergymen, which ensures confidential status of the information the penitent has shared with them in this particular manner.