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Tom 17 Nr 2 (2024)


AI Act and Public Procurement Law – an Opportunity or Threat

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 23.12.2024


The risks named in the regulation and other European documents diverge significantly from those generally identified in management standards as “conventional” IT risk. In the context of operational risks associated with the activities of a given entity and the varying perceptions of those risks by participants in the broadly understood market, a pressing need has arisen to develop a comprehensive legal framework that would not only chart the course for future development but would also name most critical pain points and ensure minimum protection. The AI Act responds to the rapid and dynamic development of artificial intelligence which has penetrated many aspects of everyday life, from healthcare to transport and safety. These regulations aim to safeguard society from the potential risks arising from the unchecked development and implementation of AI while fostering innovation and providing a framework for the safe, ethical, and responsible use of this technology. The public procurement market is leveraging AI tools, both contracting authorities and contractors. In sectors involving the expending of taxpayers’ money, including in public procurement, AI promises immense capabilities, particularly in areas where data is available, and processes and tasks can be automated.


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