The Catolic Church and other religious societies fulfil significant tasks in the life of the society not only regarding the religious cult but also social, educational, scientific and cultural tasks. For the performance of these tasks finance resorces are indisepnsable. In Poland as the resalt of politcal transformation initiatad in 1989 the democratic secular state was introduced new regulations. The contemporary Polish state does not finance church's and other religieus societies but under statutory law guaranteeng them: 1) the recognition of the legal personality; 2) the direct support in the form of subvention and grants from the state budget for the realisation of public tasks, which have a fundamental meaning for the functioning of a civil society; 3) the indirect support in the forms: the recognition rights of church's persons to organise public collections, the rights of taxpayers to deduct a volontary donations for the activity of church institution, which has the status of public benefit organisation, an amount which does not exceed 1 percentage of the due personal income tax; some exemptions of church institution from universally obligatory taxes and customes duties.