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Vol. 14 No. 16 (2) (2019)


The Prisoner’s Right to Freedom of Conscience and Religion in the European System of Human Rights Protection

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-30


The article aims to present the prisoner’s right to the freedom of conscience and religion in the European system of human rights. A detainee is a subject of special human rights because he or she is deprived of the right to liberty. Public authorities are obliged to strictly observe the law related to the sphere of convicts and their views. The right of people deprived of liberty is to exercise their free thought, conscience and religion. No one should be subjected to coercion which would limit their freedom of religion, except as stipulated by the legislator. Public authorities are obliged to provide prisoners with the opportunity to participate in religious events, to contact a priest, to manifest religious beliefs and to be administered medical care. Discipline and security issues may justify the imposition of restrictions of liberty on the grounds of security and public order. Taking advantage of religious freedom must not violate the principles of tolerance or disrupt the established order in prison.


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