The opposition of one of the parents to the child’s baptism is a specific situation in which the conflict within the family concerns the space characteristic of the Church’s mission. Therefore, it requires a deeper analysis of the Church’s teaching and the interconnection of several issues.
The Author presents the legal norms regarding baptism from the perspective of the Church’s concern for conditions favorable for the growth of sacramental grace in the life of the baptized. Baptism, as the gate of the sacraments, incorporates a man in Christ’s salvific work and opens for him access to the fullness of the means of salvation in the Church. Performing baptism means accepting its purpose, consenting to direct the baptized toward the fullness of the life of faith. This approach justifies the necessity of pastoral involvement and the requirements for candidates for baptism who have reached the age of seven, as well as for parents asking for baptism for their children.
In connection with the dispute concerning the beliefs of the parents, the Author refers to the regulations for the Catholic upbringing of offspring in mixed marriages. These norms, specifying the duties of the Catholic side, leave room for dialogue with the spouse. The author also presents the condition of a man who, although not baptized, can open himself to God’s saving action.
Finally, the topic is approached from the perspective of a child. His relationship with his parents is reflected in the way he builds a relationship with God. Disruptions in these references can affect both the child’s psychological condition and the maturity of his faith in later years. Therefore, in the case of a serious conflict arising from differences in world views, it seems reasonable to suggest to the believing party to postpone baptism until the situation improves or the child is enrolled in catechumenate around the age of discernment. It is also necessary to offer appropriate pastoral assistance. Deepening the parent’s faith also has a beneficial effect on the child’s attitude.
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