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Vol. 33 No. 36 (2023)


Papal Indult, Cult, Veneration and François Du Puy’s Vita of Saint Bruno the Carthusian

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-05-31


The article deals with the issue of the cult of Saint Bruno, the founder of the Carthusian Order. The scholarly literature had so far failed to present this matter from the perspective of canon law and that has caused numerous ambiguities and terminological errors, that have also affected the way in which scholars perceived the development of this saint’s cult. The public cult of St. Bruno was only authorized by Pope Leo X in 1514, when he allowed the Office of St. Bruno to be celebrated within the Order. The article also presents the connections of this papal indult with the Life of St. Bruno written by the General of the Order, François du Puy.


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