The times of the author to whom the above article is devoted are among the most difficult for the Church due to bloody persecutions breaking out again and again. To make matters worse, these are times of emerging or developing schisms and heresies mainly based on gnosticism. On the other hand, it was the period of many witnesses of the Gospel, believers who, through their faithfulness, scored a victory over the oppressors, were not deceived by erroneous teachings, and thus actually resisted the evil forces behind all of this. Origen did not write a text that would be exclusively devoted to the action and nature of the evil spirit, nevertheless, the topic of devil and demons' activity appears in various of his writings. The Alexandrian is aware that the members of the Church are still facing the craft of Satan, especially as an experienced theologian aware of his mission, he testifies to the saving action of Christ, who is always victorious in the fight against evil.
In the introductory part of the article, the relationship of the historical Jesus to evil powers according to the Gospel descriptions is briefly presented. Then, Origen's interpretation of the events in Jesus' life is shown when he encountered demons on his way. You can see what images Origen uses to emphasize the superiority of Jesus over personal evil. Finally, Origen's position on the issue of how his contemporary Christians participate in Christ's victory over the works of evil is presented.
The purpose of presenting this particular topic from the great legacy of the Alexandrian is to show the faith in the power of Christ of the first Christians, who are represented by the ancient author himself. This faith, without a doubt, is still needed by the Church to be able to meet contemporary challenges.
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