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Vol. 32 No. 1 (2023)


Immateriality and immortality of the soul or „something” else? Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Leonardo Polo

  • Juan Fernando Selles
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-04-25


This paper studies the proofs of immortality of the human soul offered by Aristotle, which were accepted by Thomas Aquinas and, likewise, the proofs that he added to them. After that, it is added that L. Polo accepted the preceding proofs, but as in his transcendental anthropology he added -supporting the real Thomist actus essendi-essentia distinction- that the personal ‚act of being’ is really different and superior to the ‚essence of man’ (equivalent to his soul, which is different, in turn, by superior, to his ‚corporeal nature’ of man), immortality must be predicated of the soul, but the person must be distinguished by something superior, namely, ‚evieternity’ or free coexistence, knowing and lover with God.


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