The article considers the relevance of the disputes between science and religion concerning, on the one hand, the physical image of the world provided by science and, on the other hand, the conception of the world provided by religion. These considerations focus on science in the sense of the English or French word science, encompassing the empirical and formal sciences. An important feature of scientific theories (concerning science in the sense of science) is their susceptibility to empirical falsification. However, they do not have the capability of providing answers to questions of an existential nature. Religious faith, on the other hand, answers existential questions and is not subject to empirical falsification. Nor can religious faith be a tool for falsifying scientific theories. The dispute between religion and evolutionary theory and the relationship between chance, necessity and intentionality are discussed more extensively. The mutual ‘non-falsifiability’ of science and religion does not preclude, indeed makes it desirable, their interaction. A particularly broad field of cooperation between science and religion is ethical problems, which are of particular relevance to the evaluation of the means, ends and consequences of science and technology.
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